Top 10 ACP Sheet Manufacturers in India

Top 10 ACP Sheet Manufacturers in India

When it comes to enhancing the aesthetics and durability of a building, aluminium composite panels (ACP) have become a popular choice among architects and builders in India. These lightweight and flexible panels are made of two thin coil-coated aluminium sheets bonded to a non-aluminium core, providing excellent strength and weather resistance. If you’re in the […]

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Exterior facade design | Alumaze

Elevate Your Building’s Style and Functionality with Modern Facade Design: A Definitive Guide for Builders and Architects

When it comes to commercial building design, the facade plays a crucial role in both style and functionality. With the right exterior facade design, builders and architects can elevate a building’s overall aesthetic, make it stand out amongst the crowd, and improve its performance. As a key element in modern architecture, the facade is constantly […]

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Commercial buildings | FR panels | Alumaze

Why Fire Resistant FR Panels are a Must-Have for Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings, such as offices, schools, and hospitals, are high-traffic spaces that are constantly bustling with people and activities. With so many people and valuable assets present, it is crucial for these buildings to have adequate fire protection measures in place. One essential component of fire protection is the installation of fire-resistant FR panels. FR […]

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